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The Love I’ve been looking for

(🎧 listen to my raspy voice, lol 👆🏾)

It’s FEBRUARY! And guess what this month brings soon??!!



(Cue confetti and flowers and kisses and hugs and alllll the sweet stuff, lol).

Y’all, I lovessss me some Valentine’s Day.

It’s cliche as crap, but it’s my dream to get a Valentine’s Day proposal. (Yes, I’m that girl, lol).

Say what you want about the holiday…..

You can call it a gimmick.

You can say it’s all about commercialization.

You can blame it for the reason you go broke tryna show somebody you love em’ every year.

Well, I don’t care what ANYBODY says, I LOVE love, so I’ll forever love V-day (even if I’ve yet to experience a good one with somebody I love romantically).

It’s just me.

I think I’ve always been obsessed with love. I am the girl that can’t wait for the guy in the movie to profess his eternal love & devotion and get the girl at the end.

I see the plot of a rom-com from a million miles away and I still tear up when the girl and guy get together with a kiss.

I saw the To All The Boys movies on Netflix and I started asking God to bless me with a meet cute (if you have no clue what that is, I’ll drop a video below, lol).

I have wanted and searched and desired love. I crave it. I pray for it. I yearn for it.

I await the day that it finds me, pursues me, chooses me.

Where is my Prince Charming? And why does it feel like he isn’t coming? Don’t I deserve love, too?

Am I not enough?

Where is the love I’ve been searching for???!

The love I’ve been searching for….I’ve had all along.

I sat in a freaking movie theater last night, watching The Chosen, filled with emotion over Jesus and His humanity, and it hit me…

He’s the love. He’s my love. He’s the love I’ve longed for all this time.

He put on flesh, left perfection in Heaven to prove His love and devotion to me.

He knew I’d mess up..too many times to count, but He looked at me and said, “I still choose her.”

Jesus knows me. He reminds me of my value, my worth to Him.

He pursued me and continually pursues me.

He’s totally devoted to me. I’m His. He’s mine. It’s crazy that I ever questioned it. It’s crazy that I keep looking to be found like I’m some lost treasure or something.

And yeah, sometimes I do feel like lost treasure. Sometimes I forget that I am treasured.

But He never lets me or you forget.

“But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name;

you are mine.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬ ‭NIV

“You are mine,” He says.

I’m His.

We belong to Him, y’all.

I get it. We all long for some type of love.

We want a love story for the books (or at least I do).

But let’s not get lost and forget the One who picks us even when it ain’t an overly commercialized holiday.

Let’s not forget what He gave up to get us–He gave all.

Give Him your heart today. Return the love to Him that He so freely gives to you.

Let Him treasure you.

Let Him love You.

You’re His.

My Jesus.

I love You.

You whisper to my heart that nothing is impossible with You.

That’s insane to me.

For a long time and even now, I struggle with thoughts saying I’m not enough, I’ll never get picked, I’ll continually be overlooked, but those are lies.

You make me enough, You picked me before I even knew You and You could NEVER overlook me.

You offer me a love that can’t be replicated– a love that’s safe.

A love that chooses me.

A love that nothing can tarnish or destroy. That’s what I have. That’s what we have Jesus.

‬‬May the reader or listener of this blog realize they can have that with You, too.

That’s another insane thing about You. You ain’t stingy with Your love and You can meet us with it, right where we are, in our doubts, fears, and overwhelming insecurities.

Help us to accept Your love.

Help us to stand on the truth that we belong to You.

Thank You for being the love I’ve always wanted and never knew I had for real until now.

You’ll have my heart for eternity.

Thank You for saving me.

I’ll love You forever, Jesus.




(He loves us so so much 🥹)


(THE MEET CUTE 👇🏾 one of my FAVE movie scenes that gets me every single time 🥹)

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